Tuesday, July 31, 2007
 With summer here and T.V. sucking beyond belief I have been doing a lot of catching up on my Netflix. Just recently I watched CASINO ROYALE. Now it's no secret that my favorite films tend to be small indie films. Lots of talking heads. I have never been a big James Bond fan and I think the last bond movie I remember watching was the one with "Jaws" in it, THE SPY WHO LOVED ME. I was 9.
I had heard good things about the latest Bond movie after much debate and rage by 007 fans after Daniel Craig was announced as the new Bond. That alone made me want to see the movie. I thought the anger of fans about Craig playing the role was beyond stupid. It was out right lunacy. It's just a movie character for God's sake.
Reviews were solid and those same angry fans seem to take to Craig after the movie release so I added it to my Netflix queue. I was hoping the movie was good, yet I held out any true optimism for the simple fact 90% of the time with action movies and blockbusters I am ultimately disappointed.
Well I am happy to report I really enjoyed the movie. (I know you must be so happy for me right now.) It had it's "Bond" moments but, it had a lot of untraditional elements for a 007 movie too, and those I really liked! He finally gets in his Bond-mobile and destroys it 1 minute into the car chase! (I had to watch the crash twice it was so cool.) And the opening chase on foot was amazing and I am not over stating that either. Unbelievable! It's no surprise and the fact isn't lost on me that this just so happens to be the 21st Bond movie.
Dave and I have told story after story about the number 21 and how it filters through so much, literally everything, that we do. Superstitious? Coincidence? Luck? Maybe some but Dave and I strongly believe in the number 21. Calls us crazy but it has served us well. Just as the latest installment of Bond did. It restored my faith that big budget, formula-driven, over-the-top action movies can still be good in the eyes of this cynical and sometimes overly critical movie fan...sometimes.
In a year where I have actually gone to the theaters to watch summer tentpole movies and as previously stated, disappointed 9 times out of 10, the latest installment of James Bond made me wish I had see it in a theater and left, SPIDER-MAN 3 and TRANSFORMERS for my Netflix queue instead.Labels: Casino Royale, James Bond, Netflix
posted by Twenty One Productions @ 8:29 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
We have a lot of "new" things going on here at Twenty One. One of the major new projects is a complete face lift redesign of our website. We are working on the next feature film. All kinds of "new."
However, last night I was perusing my DVD collection and I cam e across THE MIDNIGHT our first (well technically due to length) our second feature film. This was my and Twenty One's attempt at a comedy with heart. My Kevin Smith film. So I popped it in my computer and started watching a few scenes. It brought back so many memories that I finally took it to my room, threw it in the DVD player and watched the movie from the beginning. Now, I am not going to sit here and criticize or analyze the movie. All I want to say is how much fun I had watching it. It brought back such good memories. DeAnna Friend, who was a starring lead in the movie, is no longer with us, one guy who plays a stoner burn-out in the film just recently announced that he was going into the priesthood, another actor was on the reality show GREASE: YOU'RE THE ONE THAT I WANT and made it into the top 3 finalists, and there are so many other stories just like those. Everything was immortalized in this movie. A snapshot friends, family and great times!
Even though the story is marginal at best and some of the acting could barely be considered as such, it had it's strong moments as well. I was really happy with the writing and much of the acting in many of the dramatic scenes, David Cottingham had some terrific acting moments in those. Steve Tressler had a great knack for comedy and his improv stuff really makes you laugh out loud.
This is something we have talked about in the past and that was to do some re-writes and actually re-make a "new" THE MIDNIGHT. After last nights viewing it would be something I would love to tackle because there was much that I loved about that film. It's good to go back from time to time and see where we have come from and where it looks like we are going.
Hopefully someplace "new" although many of the faces may still be the same!
posted by Twenty One Productions @ 11:21 AM
Friday, July 20, 2007
After my last post I was feeling pretty down considering how much T.V. sucks. However, last night my joy was restored. Not in the strength of T.V. but that it is possible that good things are still being made.
So in the spirit of a Friday. Here's some recommendations for the weekend.
Season 2 of EXTRAS the Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant show on HBO. To steal a term from the show "brilliant!" Show #1 with Orlando Bloom so full of himself and with so much hatred of Johnny Depp. Show #2 where David Bowie improvises a song dedicated to the "little fat man. Pug, pug, pug pug." The final episode on dic #1 with Daniel Radcliffe hitting on every woman on the set of his boy scout movie. Hilarious!
So after watch those 3 episodes it reminded me to show my wife the clip on YouTube of Ricky Gervais and a spot he did for Comic Relief 2007 with Stephen Merchant, Jamie Oliver, Sir Bob Geldof and Bono. It'll bring you to tears.
Finally my confession. I think Justin Timberlake is just the best! I know that you could throw right in front of that, "Do you know how I know you're gay?" the famous slamfest from THE 40-YEAR-OLD VIRGIN, but you know what? Don't care.
Seriously I am not a big fan of Timberlake's music but the guy is great at comedy and acting. Much like I think of Ludicris being as fantastic as he is, I feel the same about Justin Timberlake. The "Dick in a Box" skit from SNL (I know old news) but still one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Plus the 2 times he has hosted SNL have been some of the best shows since Alec Baldwin hosted.
I just finished watching BLACK SNAKE MOAN, which I highly recommend, with JT in it and he was great. Timberlake's part was very small but he did a great job with it. The guy can be so self effacing that you can't help but like him and I defy anyone to prove me wrong!
So last night was a laugh fest! I seriously had to wind down before even thinking about going to bed my stomach hurt so bad. One more quick video tip (again probably old news) but watch the Natalie Portman SNL short. You quite possibly might s*** yourself! You can check out all these videos over on my favorites on my YouTube page HERE.
Final note. As much as I'm gushing over Ricky Gervais and Justin Timerlake...Christina Ricci in panties and a half tee for most of a movie. Priceless.Labels: Extras, Justin Timberlake, Ricky Gervais, SNL, YouTube
posted by Twenty One Productions @ 9:22 AM
 I don't usually catch much T.V. in the summer but, now thanks to DVR and an 11-year-old in the house, I have captured much of what the networks are trying to pass off as entertainment. Thanks to DVR I am able to watch these mindless pieces of crap at lightning speed and efficiency.
I have never been a fan of "reality" shows and after the summer fare that's on the airwaves my opinion has only gotten stronger. THE NEXT BEST THING, are you kidding me with this? A show to see who is the best celebrity impersonator...WHY? What are they going to do with such a useless talent if they do win? And Jeffery Ross...what up? You are the roast master and I see why they want you on...to slaughter idiots, but now you just look like one hosting such a crappy, irrelevant waste of airtime. Or DON'T FORGET THE LYRICS, not only do we have to listen to people sing poorly to bad songs but then put up with the standard "stall for time" dramatic moments and in multiple formats as well. NBC puts the exact same song on a day later. Come on isn't anyone laughing with me? They could do 5 to 6 reality contests in 30 minutes and be done with it. 6 weeks, 13 weeks? I can literally feel my brain cells jumping to their death in my skull.
Now on to my WORST offender. GENE SIMMONS FAMILY JEWELS. Now I would hope it is understood by now that reality shows that show celebrities and their family's in day to day situation is fixed to one degree or another. Much like the WWE. But Gene Simmons takes the cake. This is just a bad sitcom, poorly written "situations" and the greatest crime of all...bad acting. I haven't seen such bad direction and acting since 1978's, KISS MEETS THE PHANTOM of the PARK. I know that Simmons is a control freak to the nth degree in all matters involving him but this is a train wreck wrapped in a nightmare. It is so pathetic. But the worst part is that this is the future of reality T.V. Stars "acting" in "real and wacky" situations done in more than a few takes! Gene loves to say there's no bullshit about him and that he is an open book that's why tabloids leave him alone. I would venture to guess that his show stinks and that he is now an irrelevant "star" may be the real reason. There isn't one aspect of his life that's authentic or at least one that a camera would be allowed to record.
500 channels with nothing on, gets closer day by day. And now it's all displayed gorgeously in High-Def!
posted by Twenty One Productions @ 12:03 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
 Over the same weekend that I went to the theater to watch TRANSFORMERS I also spend some time catching up on some of Netflix rentals. I had rented quite the array of films as of late and was very surprised by one particular selection. After getting through season 3 of ENTOURAGE, PAN'S LABYRINTH, THE FOUNTAIN and CHILDREN OF MEN, I watched a movie from 1916 called INTOLERANCE from director D.W. Griffith.
I have to give proper thanks to the guys over at the Hollywood Saloon podcast for pointing me in that direction. John and Andy have quite to hold on movie knowledge and history and have opened my eyes to some films that I have heard of but never watched and analyzed. INTOLERANCE was one of those movies. The longer I make movies the more I feel like I can't make history until I have witnessed it and understand what's come before me.
Now for those of you who grew up on STAR WARS, summer blockbusters and the magic that is green screen, I'll let you know upfront that watching a silent movie like INTOLERANCE is not an easy thing to do and I watched the shortest of 3 different versions out there in the public domain clocking in at 178 minutes. After finally finishing it I wasn't sure I understood it all either, but this is why I watch these types of movies to begin with, this is my film school.
One particular moment in the film made me sit up and take notice immediately. During the "Babylonian" scenes I recognized the massive set they used in the movie. The set piece, one of the largest set pieces created up to that time in history, has been recreated in Los Angeles in the open area shopping center next to the Kodak Theater. Designed by the architect as a tribute to INTOLERANCE and designed to scale so you could get a sense of the size of the original used in the movie.
To gain more clarity I went to the trusty internet and started my research. The movie cost 2 million dollars to make, the most expensive of the time, and used elaborate set pieces such as the Babylonian scenes and had a cast of over 6,000 extras. INTOLERANCE was also said to be a film that was a response to D.W. Griffith's previous film and one of the most controversial in history, A BIRTH OF A NATION.
D.W. Griffith has been credited with creating the language of film and many have said he gets too much credit. Either way, INTOLERANCE was quite the eye opening experience. Some of the shots in the film actually shocked me considering it was made in 1916 and gave me a new appreciation of the art of filmmaking. If you are interested in the history of film I suggest renting movies like this and then do some research about them. You'll gain some fascinating insights, like when Griffith screened the movie there were certain parts of film reels that needed to be played are varying speeds for dramatic effect and that and entire orchestra was needed to accompany each viewing which was a contributing factor to the movie ending up a box office flop.
There's a lot to be learned from a movie like INTOLERANCE especially the fact that even in the early 1900's that box office was as important then as it was to TRANSFORMERS last weekend.
posted by Twenty One Productions @ 9:08 AM
Transformers, Less Than Meets The Eye
Monday, July 09, 2007
 I made a post, prior to its release, defending TRANSFORMERS and Michael Bay, however, I may have been off base in my defense. I went and saw TRANSFORMERS this weekend and my hopes were high. Again, not because I expected a highly dramatic and engaging story, but just giant robots fighting. I was excited and I was optmistic. I ended up excited but still a more than a little disappointed.
My review in a nutshell: Robots fighting and special effects...COOL! 5 stars! The rest of the story is equal to a two hour Disney channel sitcom with a $150 mil. budget. EVEN STEVENS, starring Shia LaBeouf, with robots.
I defended Bay as the guy who would be great at the action aspects of such a movie and as a storyteller he is not Spielberg but he wasn't a Uwe Boll either. Well in TRANSFORMERS he's not even trying. I expected plot holes but some of them were so big that Optimus Prime and the rest of the Autobots could have driven through them with room to spare. I can overlook A LOT of stuff in summer blockbusters, I know what I'm getting into when the lights go down, but this movie make me burst out loud with laughter at the absurdity of most of the scenes and I was prepared to suspend disbelief at an almost inhuman level before the movie even started.
On a purely story level I enjoyed ARMAGEDDON more and I hated ARMAGEDDON as a movie. Again much laughter at the absurdity of it. I would have been much happier with the film if it was just 2 hours of robots fighting because that's the only part of the movie I thought was actually very good and honestly the only part worth plunking your money down to see. As my buddy David pointed out if it were just robots fighting then there is no story. Might have made it better in my opinion. Because the attempt to create one had to have been developed by the Hasbro "suits," and not actual screenwriters. Seriously, if you had taken out the Autobots, this movie would have fit nicely between HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL and a marathon of THAT'S SO RAVEN on "Disney!"
Now all that said, I give the movie a thumbs up for the robots and CGI alone. My only criticism of that is bring the Decepticons in earlier and get the robot fighting on. Not only do you have to suspend disbelief just throw it out the window before you go in the theater. You'll have more fun.
All kidding aside. The CGI in this movie was SO good, TRANSFORMERS, will most likely make it in to my DVD collection. I still have a copy of ROAD HOUSE. Just proves I can be as shallow as the next!
posted by Twenty One Productions @ 10:49 PM
The Last Few Weeks in Review
Monday, July 02, 2007
OK so my daily blog has been suffering from neglect the past few weeks or so. That's not to say there's not much going just that I am not the most consistent writer out there, and I am using the word writer very loosely. I am feeling the laziness of summer starting to take me over although that's not to say I haven't been busy.
Twenty One is just about to finish helping writer/director Jared Smith of Moon Tower Films complete principle photography on his latest movie tentatively titled THIS MODERN LOVE. I was out on several shoots and things were looking very good. I got to step in as an actor this time round and I had a lot of fun doing it, although I am fairly certain all my scenes will only be available on the deleted scenes section of the DVD. Check out Moon Tower Films HERE.
Twenty One is also in the early stages of trying to secure financing for our newest full length feature movie. No details on what the film will be since several proposals are on the table. I'm fairly certain the film will be of the suspense/thriller genre. Details will be made available as soon as we can release them.
Finally, RISE OF THE TROOPERS, has been doing GREAT! Thanks to everyone out there who's been watching and spreading the word. We are consistently on the top 5 of iFilm's "Most Popular" Star Wars fan film list and the views just keep growing. Again, thanks to everyone for their support!
posted by Twenty One Productions @ 10:58 AM

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