Losing a Loved ONE
Monday, May 19, 2008
Now I'm not sure I should be writing this right now seeing as though I'm heavily sedated but here goes. Friday night 11:45 p.m. we lost another member of our family to cancer. This was the aunt of my first wife who died of the same type of cancer. She lived close, stayed close but struggled in the end, and I'm certain she was ready to go. I've seen it before. She wasn't quitting she was ready. She was peaceful and was surrounded by family and friends. Myself not included since I did not think I had the fortitude to handle it. I've been by the bed side when someone takes their last breath and that shit is burned in your memory 4 life!. Believe me. I'm sad, contemplative and melancholy. Or maybe I'm just a big pussy that has let a lot of feelings die inside at an early age. I hope not. I'm sensitive and there is a whole life out there to be lived. Does anyone read this crap I write anyway? I hope mother's day went well for many. But all in all today sucked for many close to me. Stay driven, stay alive, feel alive, do something you never thought you had the guts to do! Life ain't waiting on you!
"Above all endure!"
"Above all endure!"
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