New project in the works
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Well, it's actually an old project but after long discussions and debates we have decided to go for a new feature length film. We've bounced around several ideas the past year or so and all of them we like and aren't dead just put in the bin for a revisit at a later time. The reason was that we have long debated whether or not to try some shorts or webisodes and finally settled on just plowing ahead and shooting a feature. BONE CHINA is back. The script written several years ago and had already been in the early stages of pre-production is the script we plan on tackling. The story is very near and dear to my heart as it was a script Mat Raney wrote from a short film script I had written way back right after "12 Steps Nowhere" was in pre-production. The film will be a dark and gritty thriller with some great characters and story. I don't want to give out to many details but we are hard at work on the script and scheduling. A new website will be going up soon as well. We plan on using it in the early stages as a production journal site to keep up with productions, video journals, blogs, podcasts, early stills and much more! We are all very excited about the film and look forward to bringing everyone one along for the full production ride!
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