The Power of 21
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

With summer here and T.V. sucking beyond belief I have been doing a lot of catching up on my Netflix. Just recently I watched CASINO ROYALE. Now it's no secret that my favorite films tend to be small indie films. Lots of talking heads. I have never been a big James Bond fan and I think the last bond movie I remember watching was the one with "Jaws" in it, THE SPY WHO LOVED ME. I was 9.
I had heard good things about the latest Bond movie after much debate and rage by 007 fans after Daniel Craig was announced as the new Bond. That alone made me want to see the movie. I thought the anger of fans about Craig playing the role was beyond stupid. It was out right lunacy. It's just a movie character for God's sake.
Reviews were solid and those same angry fans seem to take to Craig after the movie release so I added it to my Netflix queue. I was hoping the movie was good, yet I held out any true optimism for the simple fact 90% of the time with action movies and blockbusters I am ultimately disappointed.
Well I am happy to report I really enjoyed the movie. (I know you must be so happy for me right now.) It had it's "Bond" moments but, it had a lot of untraditional elements for a 007 movie too, and those I really liked! He finally gets in his Bond-mobile and destroys it 1 minute into the car chase! (I had to watch the crash twice it was so cool.) And the opening chase on foot was amazing and I am not over stating that either. Unbelievable! It's no surprise and the fact isn't lost on me that this just so happens to be the 21st Bond movie.
Dave and I have told story after story about the number 21 and how it filters through so much, literally everything, that we do. Superstitious? Coincidence? Luck? Maybe some but Dave and I strongly believe in the number 21. Calls us crazy but it has served us well. Just as the latest installment of Bond did. It restored my faith that big budget, formula-driven, over-the-top action movies can still be good in the eyes of this cynical and sometimes overly critical movie fan...sometimes.
In a year where I have actually gone to the theaters to watch summer tentpole movies and as previously stated, disappointed 9 times out of 10, the latest installment of James Bond made me wish I had see it in a theater and left, SPIDER-MAN 3 and TRANSFORMERS for my Netflix queue instead.
Labels: Casino Royale, James Bond, Netflix
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