News and commentary from Russell Johnson and Twenty One Productions.

Thursday, June 19, 2008 | 0 Comments
First shoot back after a long delay and it was AWESOME! We all worked very hard and long for a 3 minute scene and I probably over shot but we got some great footage! Graeme and Mat did a spectacular job acting this scene, Chad, great ideas and kept my overall vision for it on course, Cory always there when needed and happy to be there and Dave, as always, on top of his game!

This is the scene we are trying to develop into a feature length movie. The script is written but this scene is our investor piece. This scene stands alone and it isn't part of the feature but it was a great way to start shaping the look and feel of the movie. Too bad we had to kill Graeme off as "Anderson" because he was so good but Mat's "Vitali" could reappear in BONE CHINA.

All in all, this shoot got us back on track. We've been working all along, especially on, THIS MODERN LOVE. But we were more partners on that picture but this is all Twenty One. When we all get to work together it's always good, but when it's on our own project it's GREAT!
posted by Twenty One Productions @ 9:07 AM
Friday, June 13, 2008 | 0 Comments
We've debated, talked, planned for months now. But the time is finally here! Saturday night we are doing a test shoot for a possible upcoming feature. I'm working on the storyboards right after I finish this post. Lately I have been doing a lot of shooting, directing and editing for news. That gets old REAL quick. It's steady work, but you can burn out fast. That's why this test shoot is like a Red Bull to my brain! Planning shots, breaking down the script, storyboards, it's like my creative director light has been turned on with a 5K bulb! I'll continue to post on the progress of this shoot and ultimately the progress of the movie it's preludes.

posted by Twenty One Productions @ 9:06 AM
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