Without A Trace....of anything good
Friday, August 10, 2007

A heat wave is hanging over most of the country and I think it's finally fried my brain. Nothing was on the hundreds of channels on my cable box so for the very first time I watched the T.V. show, Without a Trace. The show has been on the air since 2002 and was created by Jerry Bruckheimer. It won an Emmy in 2003, won a Golden Globe in 2004 and it was nominated for Emmy's in 04 and 05. Now to be fair those wins and nominations were for acting and specific actors (2 for "guest starring" actors) and for art direction. So, I figured I give it a look.
My review: This show stinks! End of review.
I wasn't expecting it to blow me away but when the show first came out I never watched it simply because I had a hunch it would be a show I would not like. I've always been a big believer in don't criticize something you know nothing about. That's why I usually don't comment on shows or movies I've never seen. Like previously stated, I have my hunches about shows, and in this case I was right.
Now I know this is only one show and it may have been incredible during previous seasons, but based on what I saw I will never watch that show again for any reason. The characters were unsympathetic, uninteresting, the acting was flat and forced and the story was dull and formula laden. If I rolled my eyes one more time, during a scene, I was sure I was going to pass out! It looked good and shot well. But even that was pretty standard. But probably the best quality the show processes. I will give the show props for one thing. About halfway through they did an actual missing persons segment where they showed a real life missing little girl with a number to call if you have seen her. That was cool I thought and a great thing to do. Other than that. UGH!
The heat is stifling and unforgiving, but the T.V. shows even more oppressive. There is light at the end of the tunnel though. The first of 2 preseason football games were on.
Keep hope ALIVE!
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