Over the past four years we have had a few local movie premieres with all of them being associated with a charitable cause. For CLOSURE it was Hospice of the Bluegrass and for THE MIDNIGHT it was the March of Dimes. All good causes and we were more than happy to donate our money to them.
For the premiere of 12 STEPS NOWHERE we will once again be donating money from the screening to a worthy charitable cause. The difference this time around will be that the support we give will last long after the movie is over. As a company we have decided to support the ONE Campaign. You've probably seen the commercials starring many celebrities including Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Cameron Diaz, Al Pacinio, Bono, Holly Hunter, Kevin Bacon, Jamie Foxx and almost every imaginable movie and music star imaginable. ONE is also involved with LIVE 8, the global concerts to fight poverty.
The issues that the ONE Campaign is involved in is fighting extreme poverty and AIDS. What's nice about the ONE Campaign is the fact that up front the only they ask is that you sign a declaration. That's all. Sign a letter to President Bush asking him to support the fight against poverty and AIDS throughout the US and the world. No matter your political stance this is a cause that everyone can get behind and support. We have and we ask you do the same.
We are a small company and don't generate much revenue as a matter of fact we have operated at a loss since day one. But when we have the opportunity to help we will. With the premiere of 12 STEPS NOWHERE we hope to raise money and awareness for the ONE Campaign and we hope we have your support. Like ONE we are not asking for your money we are asking for your voice. Sign up at www.one.org and then pass it along to others.
For the premiere of 12 STEPS NOWHERE we will once again be donating money from the screening to a worthy charitable cause. The difference this time around will be that the support we give will last long after the movie is over. As a company we have decided to support the ONE Campaign. You've probably seen the commercials starring many celebrities including Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Cameron Diaz, Al Pacinio, Bono, Holly Hunter, Kevin Bacon, Jamie Foxx and almost every imaginable movie and music star imaginable. ONE is also involved with LIVE 8, the global concerts to fight poverty.
The issues that the ONE Campaign is involved in is fighting extreme poverty and AIDS. What's nice about the ONE Campaign is the fact that up front the only they ask is that you sign a declaration. That's all. Sign a letter to President Bush asking him to support the fight against poverty and AIDS throughout the US and the world. No matter your political stance this is a cause that everyone can get behind and support. We have and we ask you do the same.
We are a small company and don't generate much revenue as a matter of fact we have operated at a loss since day one. But when we have the opportunity to help we will. With the premiere of 12 STEPS NOWHERE we hope to raise money and awareness for the ONE Campaign and we hope we have your support. Like ONE we are not asking for your money we are asking for your voice. Sign up at www.one.org and then pass it along to others.