Be Nice
Friday, May 25, 2007

My last post I discussed my rebellious nature rearing it's head in a place that demands subservience. But today I get to pass along the rewards of playing nice. Our local newspaper The Lexington Herald-Leader and their entertainment columnist Rich Copely has quoted me in his blog Copious Notes. Rich has been a big supporter of local films and entertainment since his arrival at the paper. He interviewed me by phone when we released The Unknown Discovery 2 years ago and interviewed both Dave and I when he wrote a piece on the local film making community.
Now I know that at the very least he has seen my blog and even contacted me about the post I made about the FOX show On The Lot and our local filmmaker Jason Epperson who made the show and I am happy to report has made it to the 3rd round! Rich has sent me an email about the post and I described to him my opinion and assessment of the first show. Next thing you know I'm being quoted, credited and given a link to my blog for doing so. That doesn't really play much into my theme of playing nice because I am genuinely being nice to Rich. That's not hard to do he is a good guy and I'm not being phony in saying so.
However this does go to show how things can work out in a very competitive industry where every one is looking for a little buzz, a little press coverage and being nice and honest has payed off for me and Twenty One in more ways than one. Here's a little tip to all aspiring small town filmmakers who, like me, don't have the benefit of making it On The Lot. When you live in a relatively small town and there are only a handful of press people who can shine a spotlight on you every once in a while it is very beneficial to make those connections and keep them.
No it's not the N.Y. or L.A. Times, it's not the NBC nightly news and it's not even a big time radio interview but it is all we have and we are thrilled that they take even the smallest amount to time to give us a few lines of ink or a precious few moments of airtime. For small filmmakers like us that equates to being On The Lot. For most of us it may be closest we ever come to it.
In the immortal words of Dalton, in the classic 1989 film, Roadhouse: "All you have to do is follow three simple rules. One, never underestimate your opponent. Expect the unexpected. Two, take it outside. Never start anything inside the bar unless it's absolutely necessary. AND THREE BE NICE. "
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