That's a Wrap
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Mat and Josh out of the Trooper suits.
Last night we gathered with many of the cast and crew of Rise of the Troopers and had our first screening. The viewing went great and I always enjoy an opportunity to thank all those involved in making our movies.

From l to r: Mat Raney, Josh Bentley, Russell Johnson, David Cottingham and Harold Littrell.
Next week producer David Cottingham, writer/actor Mat Raney and Chad Perkins will be heading out to L.A. for Celebration IV. There they are going to distribute 500 DVD's of ROTT. I will be here posting on the events happening out at Celebration IV. We'll have plenty of photos and news about what's happening at the convention.
In the meantime we are planning some promotional events for the film's official release.
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