Bay...More Than Meets The Eye.
Friday, May 18, 2007

While I can say that Michael Bay has never been my favorite director or even someone I aspire to be like as a director, I will say this, he knows action. And while that statement may, in and of itself be considered by many as to what the whole problem many people have with Michael Bay is, all action, no substance, all form, no function. You can't dispute the fact that action is HIS game, we are all merely spectators.
I didn't enjoy The Island as much as some people did. To me it was all about "the sweeping panoramic shot" and nothing more. The only thing I did enjoy about it was Scarlett Johansson. Wow, she looked good in that movie, no question (and seriously to Maxim magazine; Lindsey Lohan #1 ahead of SJ at #3, are out of your mind?) But beyond that I thought it spelled out what Michael Bay seems to be to many people. Now, rumor has it Bruce Willis openly has a problem with him as well. Read that HERE.
I digress. What I did like from Bay was The Rock and Bad Boys. Also, I haven't seen this but, apparently he directed a Playboy Video Centerfold of Kerri Kendall in 1990. I would watch it though and props to Michael on that gig! Again, I digress.
The reason I bring all this up, the love and mostly hate affair, the industry, many movie fans and online pundits seem to have with Bay is, I just watched the new Transformers trailer on Yahoo! and all I can say is; WOW, THAT LOOKED COOL AS SHIT! And for a movie like Transformers that's what it is and should be! Transformers is about gigantic fighting robots with human allies and enemies and by the looks of the trailer Bay will deliver. The story is simple and the action and CG is high. That's Bay's forte and because of it I think the movie will be huge. Steven Spielberg's credibility as executive producer doesn't hurt either.
Like him, love him or loathe him, he is what he is and he makes no apologies for it. Got to respect him for that at least. Transformers may be summer-movie-popcorn tentpole-CG-all action, no story-fluff but I for one am looking forward to a Michael Bay movie. Don't say that often but in this case it applies. So sue me. Bay maybe a robot himself constructed by the major movies studios to make these types of movies. It's possible. Maybe that's why Transformers looks so cool!
Labels: Bad Boys, Michael Bay, Scarlett Johansson, The Rock, Transformers
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