News and commentary from Russell Johnson and Twenty One Productions.

$151 Million Dollars!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
It's no secret that I am a HUGE Spiderman fan! Since I can remember he has been MY superhero. I love superheroes in general and followed the majority of them in the mid to late 70's and even again I was very heavily involved in comics from the early 90's and tapered off to a mere above average fan not long after.

So Spidey 3 hits theaters and shatters box office numbers. Cool! I loved it but not as much as 2 and just slightly better than 1. But as a comic book franchise Spiderman has it locked up and really reinvented that genre of movie. I do have my criticisms of 3 but not because there wasn't enough action as some claim. If that's what you want go see Grindhouse. Spiderman is one of the few movie franchises that maintains a good balance of action, drama and comedy. Don't tell me Bruce Campbell isn't gold in all 3 pics!

No my problem was Sandman. That story line is A: not true to the comics at all and outside of Venom there was no "real" villian. I was even okay with the Harry Osbourne redemption story, but they should have really focused on Venom. The effects were fantastic on that but there is no explanation about the alien symbiote other than a few passing lines of dialogue between Peter and Professor Connors. Ultimately there was just too much going on. They need to get back to 1 bad guy or risk becoming "Batman and Robin" rubber nipples and all. Nobody wants that!

I am glad to see it set records and continue it's box office dominance! Again, I love Spiderman. Hopefully with the upcoming movies, Transfromers, Pirates, Harry Potter, Shrek, The Bourne Ultimatum and so on this will be a blistering summer movie season! Can't wait!

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posted by Twenty One Productions @ 10:31 AM


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