Well, I'm on way to the left coast this week, San Francisco, specifically. Right now it's 8:21 a.m. and I have been up since 4. My flight out of here isn't until 10:30. That is such a suck ass lay-over but what are you going to do? Blog, apparently.
Before I get into the whole film thing I must express my distress over my Bucs losing to a crap ass Redskins team. My buddy Steve is thrilled but right now I hope he savors the moment since next week Seattle is going to embarrass the shit out of them. Maybe they were the better team last night, or a lucky one. If they didn't get one of those early turnovers they would have only scored 3 points offensively. Oh, well we had the opportunities and we couldn't capitalize so I guess we suck even worse. A gusty performance by my boys and the Redskins were just lucky to escape last night.
So, onto the movies. Bone China is slow going but that's what happens when you are waiting for money. We do have some good leads with our buddy Jared out in L.A. and hopefully he can help get the script to the "people who know people." We've been hashing out the script a bit more with a few spirited debates all of which has brought us to a tighter more precise script. We've got some scouting locations finished and we'll be doing some conference calls with our actors soon. Schedules are going to be a bitch since the movie centers on 5 main characters and getting all the actors in at the same time will be a cluster F! No one said this would be easy.
Crap, just found out that the flight is packed! I hate that. You can't move and it's a 5 1/2 hour flight! Thank God for the iPod I got for my birthday. I've been listening to a podcast about David Fincher and the history of his career. It's cool because I got an idea for a change in the BC script. It's minor stuff but it makes the movie more intense. Hopefully, I'll get a few more ideas for shots and that will help me culminate the right style for this movie. This is also my shot at establishing my style as a director.
Well, I just finished 2 podcasts from The Hollywood Saloon. You should realyy check these guys out, especially if you are or are aspiring to be one. Lots of good and useful information. If you are a David Fincher fan, which I am, then I suggest you check out episode #14. It's fairly long 2 hours plus but great stuff. You can pick up a lot of the comments you hear from Fincher himself by watching any one of the commentaries on his DVD's but you'll also get some good insight on how he started and how he became The Man, as it were. Lots of stuff I never knew, but I'll be watching my Seven DVD commentary again soon!
Still a good 2 hours outside of San Francisco and this flight is TIGHT! And I mean that in not the "hip kids" lingo either. This sucks! Now on top of that it seems everyone has to piss all at the same time, so it's very tricky writing this in my confined quarters. I can at least look forward to a good meal tonight down by the warf, fresh seafood reminds me of being back in my east coast home! Back once I get out of this sardine can and into the hotel.
After listening to some pretty decent filmmaking podcasts, The Hollywood Saloon and 2B Pictures, it gets me thinking that we should be doing a podcast of our own. Which we may end up doing. God knows I can yap better than I type. But check out these guys for some cool info on filmmaking, lots of good tips and links.
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